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In this supplemental video series of the Violin Geek Podcast, I'm sharing a variety of simple warmups, mobility exercises, and massage techniques to help musicians and non-musicians avoid tension related to playing or daily life habits, and possibly reduce or even overcome pain when it does set in.

Besides being a musician, I've been certified as a massage therapist, yoga teacher, level 3 Acutonics practitioner, and a Clinical Hypnotherapist, and have experience working with a variety of additional mind-body healing modalities, including acupressure and Trigger Point Therapy, Foundation Training, the Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais, Yoga Nidra and various meditation styles, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, EDGU, and Qi-Gong. My goal through this series is to distill some of the techniques I've found most valuable in helping myself, my private music students, and my clients.

This video is not intended to diagnose or treat any health concern, but to simply offer ideas for self-care. Please consult your doctor about injuries or chronic pain, and before exploring any new exercise. And ALWAYS listen to your body and its needs.

Please email me at if you have a violin, viola, fiddle, music biz, or practice related question you’d like answered in the blog or on a podcast, have a story or insight to share, or if you’d like to inquire about violin, viola, or fiddle lessons with me, in-person or online via Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom.

The Violin Geek Blog is a free resource and always will be. We also don't sell advertising, meaning that everything you read has been a labor of love. If you'd like to support my efforts and help ensure they continue, please consider making a donation. Thanks for your support!

Laurel Thomsen

Violin, Viola, Vocals
Performance, Instruction, Recording

Based in Santa Cruz, California

Site by Laurel Thomsen
Photography by Michelle Magdalena
Skype: laurelthomsen

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